Diving Deeper with Technical Systems in Lucidchart (EMEA)
Tuesday, April 15th, 2024 @ 2pm - 3pm (CEST)
Maximize the potential of intelligent diagramming! Join our Lucid Product Pros to dive deeper into creating actions, harnessing the power of layers, and incorporating spreadsheet data to gain valuable insights into your technical systems. Additionally, discover invaluable tips and tricks to efficiently declutter complex diagrams, ensuring greater clarity for your stakeholders.
Prerequisite: Watch this 5 minute video to learn about basic navigation in Lucidchart before the webinar
Specifically, you will learn how to:
- Use alignment actions to quickly edit diagrams
- Create layers to separate your document views
- Use actions to interact with layers
- Create custom shapes and custom templates to standardize your documents
- Visualize data and identify patterns with conditional formatting